March 24, 2011

Life Lessons from Piaget

All learning depends on failure.
Information must be presented in a way that can be assimilated into the present cognitive structure but at the same time be different enough to necessitate a change in the structure. Failure of previous knowledge to allow for assimilation of an experience causes accommodation, or new learning. Experiences should be moderately challenging to stimulate cognitive growth. No growth will occur if only assimilation occurs.

Life Lessons from Guthrie #2

To break a habit, the rule is always the same. Find the cues that initiate the bad habit & practice another response the presence of those cues.

Life Lessons from Guthrie #1

Sidetracking a habit is different from breaking a habit.
It can be accomplished by avoiding the cues that elicit the undesirable behavior.
If you have accumulated a large number of behavioral patterns that are not effective or for other reasons cause concern and anxiety, the best thing to do is leave the situation altogether. He advised going to a different environment because it gives on a fresh start - one does not have many behavioral associations in a new environment and can feel capable of developing new behavior patterns.