January 5, 2011

One heck of a year, huh?

Haven`t opened this account for almost one year now. So much has happened and so many things have changed, so even though I`d like to write about them all, it`s hard to choose where to begin. I guess it`s sufficient to say that the girl who made all these sad posts and selfishly broke her heart again & again is no longer me. Good riddance, I say.

2010 has changed me in ways I never thought possible. The university I had been planning to go to is not the university I`m not attending. That was quite possibly the worst mistake I ever made my whole life...but it`s not entirely bad at all. The new friends and the new enemies I`ve made this year are surprising too, given that some of the came from the opposite camp and made a switch. Guess that just goes to show the unpredictability of the future, doesn`t it?

I started the year with one path in mind: ADMU, then medical school. That changed in the middle of the year and now I`m stuck in a place that I did not prepare for at all. Things I never knew about myself came to light and that led to more introspection happening this year than ever before. (Yes, still accompanied by a trustworthy cigarette.) Most of my former preconceptions about the world were shattered, leading to my, hopefully, more mature outlook on life. My relationship with God...well, that`s still on the rocks. I was thinking of spending more time with him, in order to get to know him more, but our ideas clash horribly and I would most likely end up leaving without saying goodbye. Again.

What more is there to say? I`m a different person, with different ideas, different dreams, worse grammar, and better clothes. I`m stronger, bitchier, calmer, louder, more opinionated, and unfortunately, more confusing than ever before. So even though I`d really like to flip off 2010 for being one fickle sonuvabitch, I`m letting it go `cause we have another year to fuck up & change everything all over again, don`t we?

Hopefully, the world doesn`t end in 2012.

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