February 17, 2009

Are you sure you want the truth?

Okay then, you asked for it. Right now, in life, there are 3 things I`d sure of.
1. I know that it`s you. It`s alright, it worked out fine anyway...but do you know how hard it is to trust people now? I just want to take a break from all this, because I feel like I lost the person I trust most in the world. Believe me, it`s hard.

2. I have feelings for you & I love being with you. You make me so happy & I want to make you happy too. The past few days have been amazing; that`s because you were there to liven it up, to make me enjoy it. I am comfortable with you, I am a better person with you, I never thought I`d find someone who`d try to understand me the way you do. It might be going too fast, but I`m enjoying the ride. Sure, I`m still unsure about things & you still don`t know me as much as I want you too...but it`ll be fine. I am so sorry. You don`t deserve this... This might hurt you & I never wanted to do that.
3. But, oh my God, I hate myself. See, I talked to him a while ago & guess what? I miss him. I can`t wake up for school anymore, knowing that, inevitably, I will see him & it`s either I`ll ignore him or he`ll ignore me. I can`t take that. I want to resolve those issues, but, somehow, I`m scared about the way it will all end...because you were the one I loved & I`m just not sure if I can let go.
So, I guess this is the part where I add #4.
Hello there, undecided. Think about it carefully. Take a deep breath, you bitch, & clear your mind. Love, that fickle thing, is calling out -- but you don`t have to listen. Vida, close your eyes &, for the first time in years, use your brain. Anything you say & do will hurt someone -- but will you hurt yourself?
Please, let me fly, far away from here.
This heart has seen better days.

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